Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Here I am again.

I've just deleted 1120 emails in my Inbox.
I know it's insane, but something just tells me to do it.

A clean start, i guess.

I read some emails before I delete them.
Most of them are from my friends, some are unread.

I realised that people are really very realistic.
They send you emails to get into your good books when you are of use to them.
When you are not, they chuck you aside.
Then no more emails le.
Of course I am certainly not talking about my close friends ;)

But I'm feeling rather upset, about the beautiful things that I've read, and are now gone.

I don't know if they will come back, I'll leave it to fate.

As for the playlist you see on your right, they are my favourite songs (for now) :D
Can I Have This Dance is a sweet and romantic song, while Love Story depicts a modern-life fairytale.
Needless to say, David Archuleta is love (:

Good Night.

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