Sunday, September 28, 2008



*sniff sniff*

Sorry folks, must be because of my new blog song.
{Crush - David ArCHUleta}



Sorry la, i need to entertain myself cos' no one wants to entertain me ):

HAHA, thanks for flooding ya? -.-
She's the only one who would sing with me, in school, at lunch, in toilet, anywhere, everywhere.
Thanks 'ah-lian' :D

And you guessed it right, we are so so crazy over this song you are listening to right now.
Just ask ANY of our classmates. GO!

22 DAYS to O'Levels! :O
Jiayou everyone!~

P.S. Cindy wants to score six points and be the next top scorer :P
P.P.S I didn't know you guys miss me sooooooooooo much :PP

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